Thursday, June 7, 2007

Good news for hotel lovers; Bad news for s'mores lovers....

For anyone who may be following our trip close enough to also be following the weather out this way, you'll be happy to know that we are safe and sound, even with the current tornado watch and thunderstorm warning!
We decided to check the weather real quick this morning before leaving Sandusky - since we had planned to camp for two nights - and we're REALLY glad we did! My jaw almost hit the floor when I saw high wind and strong thunderstorms forecast, along with the possiblities of tornadoes (or, "tormadoes," right, Mom?) coming from the storm. The forecast also included heavy hail and rain - exactly the kind of weather that's PERFECT for camping, right? So, thanks to AAA again, we did a quick search to try to find a hotel. Come to find out, the reason we decided to camp here in the first place was that very few of the hotels in the area are pet friendly.... which made the search frustrating. But, we found one a little south of the Wisconsin Dells in Baraboo, WI (a 3-diamond one, no less!), that accomodates Mr. Fred (along with a bunch of other dogs from families who abandoned their camping plans as well!).
So far, we haven't seen any of the severe weather, but we're happy we made this decision. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not much of a camping girl anyway, but, oddly enough, I'm a little disappointed. Truth be told, I just wanted the s'mores! We'll have another chance in a few days when we pitch our tent at the Flintstones Bedrock City Campground in S.Dakota (reliving a piece of my childhood!), so hopefully that one will pan out for us! After that, we have one more shot at this camping thing, but it's in a KOA Kabin, so it's not the same. I told Jason we can pitch the tent in the backyard in Kodiak when we get there - that didn't seem to be a solution, but I'm sure we'll get another chance!
So, after a little over 8 hours in the car today (and one VERY unhappy dog - wait til we get to the 14-hr day!), we're safe at a Best Western in Baraboo, resting up for some sight-seeing in the Dells tomorrow. Fred will be checking into a local doggie daycare (which he'll hopefully like better than the kennel at Cedar Point, but not nearly as much as All Four Paws!), and Jason and I are planning on either a Duck Tour or a more leisurely boat tour of the Dells, along with some shopping (of course!), and other general touristy things here in the Dells. It'll probably be a low-key day, though, since we're looking at a looooong trip on Saturday from here all the way to Wall, SD (almost 700 miles in a day - ACK!).
So that's it from Wisconsin for today. After our tours tomorrow, I'm sure I'll have some pictures to share.... and hopefully at least one of Jason will be as flattering as the one he put up of me yesterday!


Anonymous said...

I'm loving your adventures thus far! I have been following the weather and thought about you guys but are glad to hear that your all safe and sound! I have to admit, I miss Fred already!
Having a blast on your cross-country. BE SAFE!

VICKI, Pembroke Paws

Anonymous said...

I keep checking for more news.I love to read about your adventures. Miss you guys so much already. Love Mom(Mary)

Phyllis said...

Glad your mom gave me your blog info. Over 30 years ago Michael and I traveled by Bus Ameripass for a 2 month crosscounty trip (too poor back then to own a car). We carried tent and sleeping bags (none were modern and light weight), food, clothes, cooking gear, etc on our backs. It was an amazing trip and it sounds like yours will be so as well. We wish you a safe yet exciting rest of your journey. Thanks for sparking some wonderful memories.
Now you can stop calling me Mrs. Winkler

Nurse Tales said...

Hey guys! Glad you are having a fun trip. It is great to read about your trip while doing the night shift at the hospital. Sam and Daisy say hello to Fred!