Maryanne - I SWEAR it's not my fault it took so long to get this post up here! I put him in charge of it, but he keeps forgetting!
Moving on...
Michaela Meets Her Reidy Grandparents
That should've been the real title of this post, which is LOOOONG overdue. Maryanne and Jim were here during the last week of August, soaking up all the Michaela they could for an 8-day visit. Like most of our guests over the past two years, they got in bright and early on the morning jet, after a 4-hour layover in Anchorage. I think we forget to ask, though... did Jim wake everyone with his snoring this year, too?? (Sorry, Jim, I couldn't resist!)
Maryanne (aka Mimi) scoops a sleeping Michaela out of my hands at 8 in the morning! You can tell she was mostly still asleep by the fact that she's curled in that little ball. It still cracks us up when she does that!
We did our best to enjoy a week of decent Kodiak weather while managing my continuing c-section recovery and a finicky baby's schedule. Luckily, by the time they got here, I was about 5 weeks post-op, so I was up and about much better than when my parents were here. If you remember my post a few weeks back about fishing with the baby, that happened when Maryanne and Jim were here.
Besides that, we did some easy hiking, drove to the top of Pillar Mountain for the view of downtown Kodiak, went down to the harbor on Near Island to see "the very famous boat" (Cornelia Marie of Deadliest Catch fame... a little kid walked by and asked his dad if they could see the very famous boat), and they went halibut fishing (with Jason... I stayed home with Michaela) in an absolute downpour. Though there was no fresh halibut to grace the table, we pulled some out of the freezer and Maryanne made us a FANTASTIC dinner one night. Fortunately, I have the cookbook she got the recipe from, so I can try to recreate it at a later date... it was one of the best ways I've eaten halibut yet!
We spent most of their week here relaxing around the house, though, with Mimi and Papa (I guess we'll stick with that since it's what Regan's already calling you guys!) getting plenty of time to cuddle and play with Michaela - which was the only reason for their visit anyway! Jason and I have quickly realized that nothing is about us at all anymore... but we're ok with that.
And now here we are, over a month later since they left, with only 6 short weeks until we get to see everyone again! We're already looking forward to our visit to the east coast - and basically reintroducing Michaela to everyone. She changes so much every day, that it'll be exciting all over again to see everyone "meet" her again!
My apologies to Maryanne and Jim that it took so long to get this post up, and that it's not very detailed! We had a great visit with you guys, though, and we can't wait to see you in November!!
And Jason's fired.