Hello to everyone. It's been a while since I have last posted, but I'm currently in Cordova, Alaska on a two week deployment and have some time to while I'm standing duty so I figured that I would update everyone on what's been going on. Since Becca last posted from Anchorage we've been pretty busy around here. Once she returned from Juneau we ended up finishing the fence around the house. Fred now has a huge backyard to roam around, unfortunately he doesn't get to watch the neighbors like he did our front, but he has more room then he has ever had for his "kingdom". We'll see how he adapts to his new yard.
I ended up finishing the fence the night before I left for Cordova. For those that don't know, Cordova is one of the places we deploy to during the summer months so that we can respond better to the commercial and recreational fishing fleet. Cordova is on the mainland south west of Anchorage, but it's not connected by any roads from the interior.
The only way in is by the ferry or the airlines. So we're basically on an island for all intensive purposes. Needless to say, there is less stuff here then in Kodiak. There is a small town with a few restaurants, and a grocery store (very expensive). What they do have is amazing scenery, hiking, fishing and hunting.
When we come here it's like going away for man camp. The C130 (large transport plane) brings us over it's packed with bikes, guns, fishing gear, hiking gear, and what not. You can pretty much do whatever you want around here. There is a shooting range just around the corner, we've been out shooting Matt's (other pilot) rifles and pistol, unfortunately I didn't get my guns early enough to pack them up and bring them. They will be brough the next time I come. Other then hunting, which we haven't been doing, we have been doing a to of fishing. Currently the pink salmon are running, and hopefully the silvers (coho) will start running later this week. I have caught and filetted 5 already and bring my first Alaska salmon home. I think it will only be a matter of time before I hear from Jay, Matt, or Alex.
Along with fishing we have been hiking, and cannoeing. You can't beat the activities you can do around here. While doing all this we've been spotting all sorts of wildlife.
The bears are like stray dogs over here, both black and brown bears. They are everywhere. There are also moose, sheep, deer, wolf, eagles, and much more.
Besides doing all this stuff, we've also been flying around here. It's amazing, we've flown all around Prince William sound (where the Exxon Valdez sunk) the pipeline, Bagley icefield, and many other glaciers. It's hard to beleive that we get payed to do this. Others are paying big money to see a fraction of what we get to see.
Well I've got to get going, hope everyone is doing well, and can't wait to hear from all of you.
1 comment:
Truly amazing pictures. Keep them coming.
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