Saturday, June 30, 2007
Painting and Hiking
When we haven't been painting, and heading to work (Becca), we've been able to do some hiking around town. It's amazing what you can see around here. Bald eagles, whales, wildflowers, and many other things. Becca has been taking pictures like they are going out of style. Hopefully, when we get a few mins she can post some of them.
Today we will finish the kitchen and hoping to head out to hike Old Woman after lunch, we'll see how things go. That's all for now, we'll get some more stuff posted later. Hope everyone is doing well.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
We're alive... and at HOME!
We arrived in Kodiak on Saturday night, and were welcomed by a big group of neighbors, friends and online friends! Between all of them, we were supplied with enough baked goods to last us a couple weeks, along with dinner Saturday night. It was absolutely WONDERFUL to come to such a far away place and have friendly and helpful faces waving at us from the pier!
Fred HATED the ferry, and we felt terrible for putting him through that! They don't let pets out of the car, so he had to sit in the truck on the noisy cardeck (below decks) for about 12 hours between the loading time and the trip itself. Jason tried to walk him about halfway through the trip, but Fred wanted nothing to do with "going" on a metal deck, so he just wandered and then got back in the truck. By the time we got to Kodiak, poor Fred was shaking like a leaf, and desperate for the nearest bush! The three of us greeted all the people who were there to meet us, and then Fred and I waited on the pier while Jason waited on the cardeck for his turn to drive the truck off. Although I didn't have to sit in the car and wait, I think Jason might have gotten the better end of the deal on that one - at least it was dry and warm in the car!!!!
Yes, that's right, we were welcomed to Kodiak with some typical Alaska weather - drizzly and about 45 degrees! Of course, last week, it was in the upper 70s and sunny - we just missed it! We decided, though, that it was only right to have the REAL Kodiak weather when we first arrived. We finally saw the sun for the first time since Saturday today, so we definitely got our taste of Kodiak right away!!!!!
The house is everything I was hoping it would be - Jason definitely did well in picking this one out! We picked up our first room's worth of paint today (a lovely sage green for one of the spare rooms), and will probably get the rest of the colors picked out by the end of the weekend. The entire house, with the exception of one room, is still stark white, so we have a blank canvas to start with - a very exciting prospect!!!! I've changed out the lighting fixture in the eat-in side of the kitchen, the knobs on the closet doors, and picked out hardware for the kitchen cabinets already, too! I can't wait to get our stuff so that I can start REALLY figuring out how this house is going to work. While our living room is fantastically big, it's also a hard room to figure out for furniture (it's 17' by 33'!)... it might be the biggest challenge, but it's going to be great for Kodiak entertaining! My other favorite room in the house is definitely the kitchen - I don't know if I'll ever figure out how to fill all the cabinets! For those who saw our kitchen in Duxbury - it's EASILY 4 times as big as that! I LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVE it!!!!!!!!!!
So tomorrow afternoon, I think, I head back to work (it'll definitely be Thursday), but Jason will be free until Monday (well, free from the air station, just not from his list...). I have relief stuff to do to get ready for the new job, and my official Change of Command will be on Tuesday next week. I still can't believe I'm really going to be in charge of a fisheries training center - my absolute dream job for about the last 10 years or so! I'll be sure to post pictures from the ceremony.
Until then, I think we'll be pretty busy around the house. We have a yard to tame (the back yard is scary!!!), paint to buy and apply, and HOPEFULLY, household goods to unpack! We were hoping those would've gotten in on the barge yesterday, but it looks like they didn't make it, so now we're crossing our fingers for arrival tomorrow with delivery on Friday... we'll see!!!
Thanks for following our trip, and be sure to check back regularly for updates! Love you all!
Becca and Jason
Friday, June 22, 2007
Today was a day of glaciers....
Well, as the title suggests, today was a day for seeing glaciers as we drove from Anchorage down to Homer. Unfortunately, it was a little hazy due to both warm temperatures and the smoke from two different wildfires that are currently burning in the area up here. But, even with the haze, we were treated to some of the famous Alaska landscape as we drove down!
Our first stop this morning was at the Portage Glacier visitors center, not too far outside Anchorage. From there, we following the Sterling Highway all the way to Homer, with only two other stops along the way. One was at a place known for its chainsaw woodcarvings, including a carousel that has all Alaska wildlife as the "horses" and a restaurant called Sal's, based on the recommendation of another Coastie Wife. The woodcarvings were VERY cool - parents, you'll be happy to hear that I picked out a cute rocking moose to be purchased on the way back from Alaska in three years, if all goes well - though I'm going to skip those pictures tonight in lieu of glacier pictures. Sal's was YUMMY - definitely worth the wait for our late lunch, Denise! Thanks! Jason had the Alaska burger, a GIANT burger on an even bigger sourdough bun, while I decided on the reindeer sausage sandwich. Rudolph was DELISH!!!!!!!!
So, we have to be at the ferry tomorrow morning by 8am, which will be a very early morning for us! But it'll be worth the early morning when I get to finally see our new house tomorrow night! I've had butterflies all day, just getting excited about finally seeing it in person!!!
Next, we have an iceberg... yes, an actual iceberg which theoretically calved from the Portage Glacier. It was right in front of the visitor's center, which we didn't go in, so I'm not sure if it was brought there for people to look at, or if it really just ended up there!
Here's Jason and Fred in front of the iceberg. Fred just wanted to go swimming... in the nearly-freezing water.
And these are some smaller chunks of ice with the glacier in the background. It was freezing cold out there, but worth the frozen toes (I was wearing flip-flops!) to see the sights!
So that's it from Homer (it's midnight now, and I have to be up in 6 hours.... oh, and it's still light out!!!)! We'll try our best to post from Kodiak tomorrow, but we're not scheduled to get our internet connected until sometime on Monday, so I can't make any promises. We won't get there until long after all our East Coast friends' bedtimes, though, so it won't be too big a deal to wait a while.
We hope everyone has enjoyed following our cross-country trek. We made it through the driving part without killing each other - we even still like each other! - and now we get to go enjoy our new house together! Stay tuned for regular updates, though they probably won't be as frequent as they've been.
We love and miss you all!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
No Puppy, and only one more day of Frost Heaves!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
We're in ALASKA!
I was going to post another picture of the view we looked at for a long stretch on the road today, but it doesn't want to load, so I'll leave the pictures at that.
We're now in Tok, AK, staying at the neatest little place called Burnt Paw. They raise husky puppies (it's going to be very difficult for me to NOT take one with us!!!), and have a few cabins for people to stay in. We're in the Iditarod Cabin this evening... check 'em out at We'll definitely add this to the list of places to stay again on the way back in 3 years!!
Tomorrow we head to Anchorage, and our last chance to eat at any chain restaurants and shop at any major stores (besides WalMart!). From there, it's on to Homer and the ferry!
That's it for tonight! Jason says HI!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in the Yukon
We left Ft. Nelson, British Columbia yesterday morning, enroute Watson Lake, Yukon for the night. Armed with a hotel reservation at the only place in "town" that would allow a dog in the room, we thought we were all set for the night. I even passed on the name of the place to another couple leaving the same hotel in Ft. Nelson since they didn't have reservations yet, and had a lab with them as well.
I couldn't have been more wrong about being set for the night. UGH!!!! Watson Lake could rival some of the places we saw in Western Nebraska in terms of "limited" accomodations and options for dining! The "town" is incredibly small, and, um, well, not that nice. To make it worse, we try to check into our motel (yes, that's right, motel, not hotel...the "hotel snob" that I am noticed that right away!), where the man behind the desk informs us that they don't have our reservation because the hotel changed ownership on June 1st and we had the forethought to book way back in March! He had a room, though, so we figured we'd be ok. And, since "they" had made a mistake (he used the more colorful f-word rather than mistake), they wouldn't charge us the pet fee. GREAT!
Until we saw the room.... let's just say it wasn't what was advertised, what we were supposed to pay $99/night for, or what any decent human being would sleep in. Ok, maybe it wasn't that bad, but it was pretty nasty. It had obviously been a 2-bed room at one point in time, but they were "remodeling" (did I mention the lack of carpet in the hallway, with dirty plywood in its place), so the 2-queen room was a 1-double room, complete with broken night stand and 30 (I think I'm being generous there) year old bathroom fixtures. The grime of decades turned my stomach, and we promptly walked out to go make some phone calls.
Long story short (I'm sure Mom could share the details of my melt down!), we returned the key, got our money back, and headed down the road to a camp site where they had beautiful 4-star cabins! But, where we pitched our tent because the only cabin left was the one they keep hypo-allergenic, thus, no dogs! We set the tent up in record time due to the mosquitos (the provincial "bird" of Yukon) and the impending rain and headed over to their restaurant for a quick meal.
After dinner, we discovered that our aerobed pump was no longer charged enough to blow up the bed... which, it turned out, didn't matter because the bed was no longer whole enough to keep air in it. Two puncture holes meant that we got to sleep on the ground on top of our deflated aerobed with enough blankets to smother lesser people as we tried to keep out the VERY chilly temperatures - remember, we were camping in the YUKON! With sunset at midnight, the sun never really going down, and sunrise around 5 (but I woke up at 3 and it was bright enough for me to read my watch), along with the slowly deflating aerobed, there wasn't much sleep to be had last night! Trying once again not to get eaten alive by the mosquitos, we broke camp this morning, fairly early, and headed up the road to Whitehorse... the capital of the Yukon.
We're now very happily tucked into a king suite at the Best Western, which more than makes up for last nights' debacle! We enjoyed a nice walk along the Yukon River this afternoon with a very happy Fred and are now getting ready to head out for some dinner and a look around town.
Tomorrow we head back into the US, staying at a sled-dog puppy breeding farm (in a cabin to ourselves!) in Tok. So we've seen the good parts of Yukon - more scenery and Whitehorse; the bad - the mosquito-ey camp site; and the UGLY - WATSON LAKE! We survived, and we're looking forward to getting into Alaska tomorrow!
That's it for tonight... no pictures because we haven't made any stops, really. Plus yesterday's post is loading very slowly so we'll give blogger a break.
Love you all!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Careful what you wish for.....
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Amazing Day!! Crappy Internet, More tomm
Anyways, we are doing good, very ready to just get there. Tomm is a long day in the car, all the way to Fort Nelson, BC. About 570 miles, but we get our start on the ALCAN. It should be a good day if Becca and Fred don't have a mutiny and take over the truck. =) I think they are both about done. But less then a week.
Well hope everyone is well, we'll post again tomm with pics.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Glacier National Park.... was a bust!
This is the view from the docks at the Lodge. They have tour boats, but you can also rent a boat and go cruising on the lake yourself.
Here's some of the local wildlife! We saw more than just butterflies, but they stay in one place long enough to get a picture of them!
Here's Jason showing off his rock-skipping prowess. Notice the high level of concentration as demonstrated by the pursing of the lips!
And, finally, a view so good I made Jason get out of the truck... he was just waiting for me to take pictures, but this one was too good to miss. I wish the camera did justice to the amazing torquoise color of the water - stunning!
Tomorrow we head to the Jasper/Hinton area, only about 300 miles away, but through the Lake Louise/Banff area, so the views should be good. Jasper is supposed to be a cool town, so we're planning to get there earlier enough to enjoy it. Tomorrow night will be spent in a KOA Kabin in Hinton, where internet access can't be guaranteed right now. Hopefully we'll get the chance to give you all a view of Banff!
We're on the down-hill slide now - just a week from tomorrow we'll be on the ferry from Homer and I'll finally get to see that house I spent so much money on!!! As Jason pointed out when we crossed the border into Canada today, that was the last time we'll see the lower 48 for a while (some of us sooner than others though.... maybe as early as August for me!)! That was a strange thing to think about, but exciting too! That's it for tonight! Hopefully more tomorrow from Jasper!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Ok, here's the new stuff... the rest of the story
The south entrance to Yellowstone just follows the road from Teton, so we drove through that way and up toward Old Faithful. As luck would have it, we finally pulled into the parking lot at the Old Faithful visitor center about 10 or 15 minutes after it had gone off. We were hurrying toward the viewing area, only to meet up with a bunch of people coming back toward us - a sure sign that the show was over! Old Faithful "erupts" (is that the right word??) about every 90 minutes, but we really didn't want to stick around that long since we still had another 40 miles to go to get to our hotel for the night. So we had to settle for post-steam pictures of Old Faithful:
As we drove through the rest of the park, though, we were treated with some glimpses of elk, deer, and.... BISON! When I was little, and living in Nebraska, we would see buffalo all the time when we drove out to my grandfather's house in Kimball, so it wasn't that big a deal to me to see some wild buffalo. Jason, however, has never seen them, and was very excited to get the opportunity to watch two different herds toward the west entrance to Yellowstone. Again, my 300mm zoon lens came in handy!
We got to our hotel in West Yellowstone SUPER late last night, but got to sleep in a bit this morning. Thanks to a phone call from Mom, I didn't get around the posting this morning, though... so you can all blame Mary for your late entertainment tonight! Today we planned to just drive up to Missoula - setting ourselves up for a drive through Glacier National Park tomorrow. Our big highlight was supposed to be the Dumas Historic Victorian Brothel Museum in Butte, MT, a travel tip courtesy of Jim and Maryanne Reidy.... but we were sorely disappointed to find that the "museum" has closed its doors since their trip out this way a couple years ago. Heartbroken, we stopped by a Wendy's in Butte for a snack, where I got to see Jason almost implode due to some local characters - I guess I'm not the only one who's being affected by the travel!!! We then finished up our drive to Missoula, where we headed out for a walk with Fred to appease him after all the time we've been making him spend in the car. He's surviving though, as you can see in this picture from a quick road-side stop for a scenery picture. He sticks his head out the window every chance he gets!
This was just something to look at on the highway through Montana... what a great state!!!!
Tomorrow morning - early, and with the disappointment of the closed brothel museum behind us - we head out for Glacier National Park and the Canadian border. Hopefully our border crossing with be uneventful... we're armed with passports, orders, a health certificate for Fred, and nothing illegal. Jason said he'll probably declare his last case of homebrew which is buried somewhere in the trailer, but I'm worried the border guards will need to "confiscate" that! Just kidding, of course, I'm sure it'll all be fine!!! Next post - South Calgary, Alberta, Canada!!!
First things first... pictures!
A long day in the car... with no pay-off!
And, I just realized that we have to check out of the hotel in 20 minutes, so this is going to have to wait again until tonight! My apologies and I hope the pictures from the last couple of days will make up for it!!!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Where there's a will, there's a way... Pirated Wi-fi!
To catch everyone up: We left Custer yesterday morning after surviving our night of camping. Couldn't complain about the camping except that it got down into the 40's in the middle of the night and it was freezing. Thank God we had the extra comforter, and a Fred blanket.
After packing up we made our way up to Mount Rushmore. Wow, what a sight! Can you imagine taking the time to carve a head out of a mountain? I was only disappointed that the presidents weren't bigger. Everything you learn/see in school makes you think that it's the side of a huge mountain. I guess I was thinking it was much bigger than it actually was. Thank goodness that there is not a lot to see there as it was almost 100 degrees and we had to leave Fred in the car. We ended up doing Rushmore in a little over a half hour.
We were going to try and swing by the wind caves after Rushmore, but on the way down the mountain we encountered an accident and had to turn around and go down the mountain the other way. So, from there we eneded up going south to Gering. I don't recommed tyring to play auto bingo in the car while traveling through the heart of the midwest. Just ask Becca how hard it is to find a road sign with a S-turn on it for bingo. Hee Hee. Needless to say it took us over 45 mins just to play one game.
After a short day of driving we ended up in Gering, at Grandma and Papa's, around 3:30, and then got to see the rest of the family after dinner. I have to say that Scottsbluff and Gering are very nice and much bigger than Becca led me to believe. It's much bigger and has much more stuff than I expected - I think that it's much bigger that both Oswego and Scotia combined. Needless to say, you can see the bluffs to the west from just about anywhere in town. It's very cool.
Today we got the first class tour seeing both the Scottsbluff Natinonal Monument, home of a major pass for the Oregon Trail, and Wildcat hills. Both were beautiful, even in the rain. Where else can you actually see the remnants of pioneers moving west? The wagon ruts are still in the sandstone.
Tonight we ended up have a great mexican dinner with all the Russel family, and are getting ready for our big day tommorow. Tommorow we leave here and cross through Wyoming. Yes Zach, we will see a good portion of your home state. The end of our day will see us going through the Grand Teton's and Yellowstone park.
Well that's all from me tonight, hopefully Papa's neighbor doesn't realize his bandwidth is slightly lower. We'll post again tomm from West Yellowstone.
Hi everyone - it's Becca. I'm sure you didn't think I could go a night without posting myself! We have to apologize for the lack of pictures.... because we're using someone else's wi-fi, we keep losing the connection, and it's too much to try to upload pictures. When we get to the hotel tomorrow night, we'll give you a couple shots of Rushmore, Scottsbluff National Monument, and the Wildcat Hills.
Until then, and in case the Russel clan gets a chance to log in... it was great to get to see everyone! It was too bad Gene had to be away this week and Dionna couldn't make it to dinner, but it was great to see everyone else. Hopefully you'll all make your way up to Kodiak sometime in the next three years - there's a spare room and even a car to use waiting for you!!!
Since I have no pictures to post, I guess I'll keep this shorter than I thought! Pictures to come tomorrow!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Camping, 21st Century Style!
The last one from Wall is just an exterior shot of the front of the building - just read the sign, Dad... tons more than "just a drug store!" They even have a traveler's chapel!
From Wall, we headed back to the East about 30 miles to take SD-240, the scenic byway through the Badlands. They have a ton of overlooks and pull-offs so that you can take in the breathtaking scenery and views. Apparently I spent more time outside the truck than in it, judging by the sunburn on my arms and the back of my neck. It never occurred to me that I'd get burned!!!! So here are just a sample of the pictures from the Badlands... and, really, everyone should see them in person. Amazing.
Self-timer portrait with tripod! YAY!
A panoramic view from the end of our drive - the western end of the byway.
So that's it from Custer. Tomorrow we'll go to Mt. Rushmore first thing in the morning, and then maybe hit the Wind Caves if we have time. Then we have about 180 miles to Gering and a nice two-ish day stop there!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Our vacation is complete!!!!!!
I made the discovery of a lifetime last night as I was perusing our TripTik to find good gas prices and possible places to stop today during our marathon drive - I found the SPAM Museum!!! In the little town of Austin, Minnesota is a Hormel plant and the official SPAM Museum. We probably would've seen signs for it since it's right off I-90, but it was great to be able to look forward to the stop today, which came about 3 hours into our drive. The AAA website said to give it about an hour to cover it, which we thought would probably be too long, but about an hour and $60 in the gift shop later, we pulled out, smarter about SPAM than we ever thought we would be!
As if the excitement of the SPAM Museum wasn't enough, our travels also brought us through Mitchell, South Dakota, home of both a huge Cabela's store AND the World's Only Corn Palace! Jason was excited to be in an actual Cabela's store, rather than just browsing through their catalogue, but we held ourselves back in the shopping and stuck to just a few necessities and super sale items. The Corn Palace was so funny and touristy - HILARIOUS! I've seen stuff about it on Food Network before - basically they cover the entire building in a mural made of corn and other local plants - but it was too funny to be there in real life! There wasn't much to it, but we picked up a cheesey magnet and shotglass to add to the collection, along with some popcorn, of course! Here's the outside of the Corn Palace:
This is a shot of the inside of the auditorium/sports arena/convention hall/summertime gift shop area. In the off-season, they use it for pretty much everything that happens in Mitchell - basketball, proms, the Shriner Circus - and then they set it up for the tourists in the summer.
This shot is one of the murals up on the wall in the picture above. Yes, that's Mt. Rushmore in CORN!!!
We're now in Wall, SD - we got here about 15 hours after we left Wisconsin this morning - and it's about time for bed. We'll hit Wall Drug in the morning while we can still leave Fred in the hotel room. After we check out, we're planning to take the scenic byway through the Badlands since temperatures are forecast to be in the high 80s, so we can't leave Fred in the car while we hike. I think we'll have plenty of places to stop and take in the view and get some pictures. From here we head only 75-ish miles down the road to Custer where we'll camp at Flintstone's Bedrock City and finally get to those s'mores! We'll hit Rushmore Monday morning and then drive down to Gering to see all the Russel clan. We definitely won't have internet tomorrow night (no electricity!), so I'll try to figure out a way to get pics of both the Badlands and Rushmore up once we get to Gering.
Looking forward to our Mexican dinner in Nebraska!!!!
Friday, June 8, 2007
The View from the Dells!
Tomorrow is going to be a long day for us - we'll be driving from here all the way to Wall, SD. I'm not sure what we were thinking when we planned that one, but we're stuck with it now! We're guessing we have at least 12 hours in the car tomorrow, so if anyone's bored, we'll be on the cells (if they work out there!!!).
We love reading everyone's comments, so please keep 'em coming!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Good news for hotel lovers; Bad news for s'mores lovers....
We decided to check the weather real quick this morning before leaving Sandusky - since we had planned to camp for two nights - and we're REALLY glad we did! My jaw almost hit the floor when I saw high wind and strong thunderstorms forecast, along with the possiblities of tornadoes (or, "tormadoes," right, Mom?) coming from the storm. The forecast also included heavy hail and rain - exactly the kind of weather that's PERFECT for camping, right? So, thanks to AAA again, we did a quick search to try to find a hotel. Come to find out, the reason we decided to camp here in the first place was that very few of the hotels in the area are pet friendly.... which made the search frustrating. But, we found one a little south of the Wisconsin Dells in Baraboo, WI (a 3-diamond one, no less!), that accomodates Mr. Fred (along with a bunch of other dogs from families who abandoned their camping plans as well!).
So far, we haven't seen any of the severe weather, but we're happy we made this decision. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not much of a camping girl anyway, but, oddly enough, I'm a little disappointed. Truth be told, I just wanted the s'mores! We'll have another chance in a few days when we pitch our tent at the Flintstones Bedrock City Campground in S.Dakota (reliving a piece of my childhood!), so hopefully that one will pan out for us! After that, we have one more shot at this camping thing, but it's in a KOA Kabin, so it's not the same. I told Jason we can pitch the tent in the backyard in Kodiak when we get there - that didn't seem to be a solution, but I'm sure we'll get another chance!
So, after a little over 8 hours in the car today (and one VERY unhappy dog - wait til we get to the 14-hr day!), we're safe at a Best Western in Baraboo, resting up for some sight-seeing in the Dells tomorrow. Fred will be checking into a local doggie daycare (which he'll hopefully like better than the kennel at Cedar Point, but not nearly as much as All Four Paws!), and Jason and I are planning on either a Duck Tour or a more leisurely boat tour of the Dells, along with some shopping (of course!), and other general touristy things here in the Dells. It'll probably be a low-key day, though, since we're looking at a looooong trip on Saturday from here all the way to Wall, SD (almost 700 miles in a day - ACK!).
So that's it from Wisconsin for today. After our tours tomorrow, I'm sure I'll have some pictures to share.... and hopefully at least one of Jason will be as flattering as the one he put up of me yesterday!