Sunday, September 19, 2010

Is this thing on??

Geez Louise! Who's in charge of keeping the blog updated??? What? Me? Oh, yeah... um... we've been busy? I mean, yeah, we've been busy.

And I'm still not really feeling like writing much, so I'm cheating tonight and just uploading a couple videos. If you're not Michaela's grandparent, you might not care about this stuff! I'll try to get back later this week with some more exciting stuff, but this will have to do for now!

This first one is a little dark since it's from an evening swim the other night, but I think you'll get the idea.

And this one is from this afternoon. Michaela has gotten to be very helpful around the house - which is why I had a few hours of panic last night when I was pretty sure she'd thrown out my checkbook. Turns out she'd only hidden it under a shoe, under our entry bench. But you'll see how helpful she is in this one.

So, like I said, that's it for tonight! I'll try to get back later in the week to do a real update.


Mom(Mary)(Grandma) said...

THANK-YOU! Watched it twice

Marci said...

Wow, she has the "Fish" part down. Putting her face in the water at 14 months is incredible!!!

Mom(Mary)(Grandma) said...

O.K I watched it again. i can't help it. Miss you all.